With Dutch astronaut André Kuipers in the original Soyuz capsule that he used for his return flight in 2012. Robert in the seat of Russian cosmonaut and commander Oleg Kononeko. You can see the real return capsule at Space Expo. (Photo: Jan van Haarlem)

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In ESA’s Columbus space laboratory with Pamela Melroy, who was one of NASA’s Space Shuttle pilots. She was the misson commander of STS-120 in 2007. In addition she became the second women to command the Shuttle. (Photo: Robert Willemsen)

NASA astronaut Charlie Duke of Apollo 16  was the 10th person to ever walk on the surface of the Moon in 1971. During this mission he and John Young collected 97 kg of lunar rocks and soil samples. Duke also drove the Lunar Rover. Here seen during a visit to Space Expo. (Photo: ESA / Anneke Le Floc’h)

Italian ESA astronaut Paolo Nespoli in the Planetary Robotics Lab during a one of the open days at ESA ESTEC. Paolo had five missions in space flying with both NASA’s Space Shuttle and Russia’s Soyuz. He participated in the delivery of ‘Harmony’ (node 2) and the docking of the ATV-2. (Photo: Robert Willemsen)

In the ESA’s Columbus space laboratory with five former astronauts from  the ASE (Association of Space Explorers). From left to right: André Kuipers, ESA (203 days in space), Reinhold Ewald, ESA (20 days in space), Robert Willemsen (0 days in space), Rick Hieb, NASA (31 days in space), Julie Payette, CSA/NASA (25 days in space) and Pedro Duque, ESA (18 days in space). (Photo: Robert Willemsen)

Denmark’s ESA astronaut Andreas Mogensen during the debriefing of his flight. Here posing with the Eurobot that he operated in real time from space in the Erasmus Highbay to grab a box and relocate it and to remove insulation material during a simulated Lunar mission. This was part of learning how to use telerobotics to do exploration and construction on the Moon for future missions (Photo: Robert Willemsen)


David Saint-Jacques is a Canadian astronaut who is also an astrophysicist, engineer and physician. He spent 203 days in space on Expedition 57, 58 and 59. In 2019 he made a spacewalk of 7 hours on the ISS. (Photo: Robert Willemsen)

Floating in ESA’s ‘Cupola’ with NASA astronaut Janet Kavandi. She has three space missions to her name and was involved in the installation of the big panoramic window in 2010. The main window is 80 cm in diameter and gives a magnificient view of the Earth 400 km below. (Photo: Robert Willemsen)

John McFall will be ESA’s first “Parastronaut”. He had an amputation of his right leg after a motorcycle accident. In 2022 ESA selected him as part of the Parastroaut Feasability Project to understand and overcome the problems during spaceflght for people with a physical disabilty. (Photo: Robert Willemsen)